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Welcome to MT Hart on Horror

Ominously Curious

Welcome to MT Hart on Horror, a unique blog here for you to explore.  I love everything horror. particularly vampires! Welcome to the dark world of MT Hart.

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The Skin I Live In

The "Skin I Live in" is a Spanish horror film directed by Pedro Almodovar and stars Antonio Banderas. It is a twisted tale of heart break...

The Asima of Suriname

Suriname in South America is full of legends and folk lore. The Asima is a vampire that not only drinks blood but transforms into a blue...

Gillermo del Toro

Gullillermo del Toro is perhaps on of the most famous Spanish film makers. He was born in Mexico and has made many iconic horror films...

The Vampiress of Barcelona

Enriqueta Marti Ripolles (The Vampire of Barcelona) lived in Spain in the late 1800's. She opened a brothel for the more affluent in...

Manuel Blanco Romasanta

Manuel Blanco Romasanta was perhaps Spain's first serial killer, but in his defense he only committed the murders because he became a...

The Spanish Dracula!

In 1931 Dracula was released in theaters everywhere. What most people don’t know, is that while they were filming the Hollywood version...

The White Witch

When I was a young man in Northern California, we spooked each other with a story of the white witch. She was said to be wearing a white...

El Duende

The Duende is mostly found in Latina America but has been mentioned in Filipino and other cultures as well. Sometimes he is evil and...


Most people have heard of the Chupacabra! This creature is a relatively new addition to vampire lore and has since been spotted all over...

The Ebigane

The Ebigane is a creature said to live in Equatorial Guinea and even flows into parts of Africa. Another creature that can be a monster...

La Comtesse Noire

Lina Romay was a Spanish actress and what a beautiful Vampire! She starred in "La Comtesse Noir" or "Female Vampire". The film was made...

La Tunda

La Tunda comes to us from the coastal regions of South America. She is said to be a shape shifting vampire who lures her victims into the...

Sarah Ellen Roberts

Sarah Ellen Roberts In the Peruvian town of Pisco there is a legend of a vampire who traveled there from England in the 1900’s. She is...

The Vampire Scapegoat

The Vampire Scapegoat Or should I name this the Vampire - Werewolf - Witch - Monster Scapegoat? Whatever your beliefs are on the...

Azeman Vampire of Surinam

The Azeman vampire is from Surinam in South America and is mostly described a a woman who can turn into bat. During the day she is a...

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