There is a legend of a brokenhearted woman who haunts the remains of the once luxurious Casino Agua Caliente.
“They say she her name is Maria and she is still searching for her one true love, that he left her and he never returned.”
A red tear came from Xavier’s eye. He turned and wiped it away before Felipe could see it.
“Her name was Andrea, not Maria.”
“Felipe, I have come a long way. Believe it or not, there is some truth to the ghost story you have just told me. But it happened long ago. Let us walk, if only for awhile, so I can see the old girl one more time. And in exchange I will tell you a story.”
“Casino Agua Caliente” is the fifth novel coming from author MT Hart in 2021!
#publishers #agents my 5th novel entitled “Casino Agua Caliente” will be available soon. There is a story of a brokenhearted ghostly woman who haunts the remains of the once luxurious Casino Agua Caliente and the vampire who longs for her. It is rich in Mexican heritage and mixes fiction with the actual once famous casino! Based on a true story!
