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Don't kill your father!


As with many legends there are many versions of "El Silbon" of South America. The legend is found from Colombia to Venezuela. They all involve a son killing his father. The one I like best is the one where he kills his father because he was craving a deer heart for dinner and his father failed to bring him one, so yes, he killed him. Then he ate his father's heart.

When he is near you will hear him whistling, but the whistle sounds like it is faraway... Hearing his whistle tells you that your own death is near.

Como ocurre con muchas leyendas, existen muchas versiones de "El Silbón" de América del Sur. La leyenda se encuentra desde Colombia hasta Venezuela. Todas involucran a un hijo que mata a su padre. La que más me gusta es aquella en la que mata a su padre porque ansiaba un corazón de venado para cenar y su padre no le trajo uno, así que sí, lo mató. Luego se comió su corazón.

Cuando esté cerca lo oirás silbar, pero el silbato suena como si fuera lejano ... Escuchar su silbido te dice que tu propia muerte está cerca.



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